Providing access to mental health recovery programs shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
We offer an atmosphere of acceptance where individuals feel needed and grow in self-worth, dignity and self-respect.

What We Do?
Pathways to
Recovery Workshop
This workshop is an innovative way to explore new ideas and possibilities for the recovery journey. This class includes excerpts from a workbook filled with recovery and self-discovery exercises.
Person-Centered Planning Independent Facilitation
Independent Facilitation is a method of person-centered planning that allows an individual to plan their life how they see fit. An independent Facilitator responds directly to the consumer's dreams, desires and personal goals.
Family Education and
Support Services
Is a program designed to provide supportive services to family members coping with an adult/child family member's mental illness. These services, which are provided by a Peer Support Specialist, may include supportive family consultations in our office or in the family's home, phone consultations, educational workshops and advocacy.
Peer-Delivered Crisis Internvention and Prevention Program
Peer-delivered crisis recovery support can be offered to individuals in need of mental health services. The goal of Peer-delivered Crisis Intervention is to divert people from hospitalization, communicate the message of hope and recovery and provide an environment in which each person is treated with respect, compassion and dignity.
Co-Occuring Disorders
Support Services
The primary goal of these services is to assist persons in developing skills necessary for living a satisfying and fulfilling life in the community without drugs and alcohol. The CPSS group facilitators are encouraged to share their experience and show how they have addressed the challenges of addiction and/or mental illness and teach the skills they have learned to pursue recovery. This program also attempts to enhance the social network and social support of the Members with new people who do not use drugs or alcohol.
One-on-one Support
Services for Employment
Provides for a Certified Peer Support Specialist to help the Member explore possible job opportunities. The Peer will assist the them in the job search and pre-interview process. The Peer Support can help the Member identify any obstacles that may prevent them for obtaining gainful employment.
My Place - Center for Wellness is a peer-run (“peer-run” meaning that the program is entirely staffed by persons with a mental health diagnosis) non-profit organization that provides a safe, supportive and normalizing environment for individuals labeled "mentally ill" within our communities.
The philosophy behind peer-run organizations is that by working together and sharing experiences each have had in the community, Members are able to help each other. The fear of the mental health professional is taken away at a peer-run organization, because everyone has been through similar experiences.
My Place - Center for Wellness provides Peer-delivered mental health recovery workshops along with numerous receational and social activities. Members, along with My Place staff, can assist each other in solving daily living problems and learn new skills that can help them recover from the more challenging aspects of their mental illness.
My Place - Center for Wellness cultivates an atmosphere of acceptance where people are given the opportunity to regain their self-worth, dignity and sense of belonging.
All of our services are free for any local resident who has a mental health diagnosis

“My Place - Center for Wellness provides a Supportive Community, and Programs, that Empower Members in their Journey toward Mental Health Recovery.”

My Place - Center for Wellness will be the Leader of Peer-run Mental Health Services within Oakland County, Michigan. We will accomplish this by implementing the following within our Program -
Engage Members, and the Surrounding Community, with the information and resources to assist people in their Recovery Journey.
Enrich the Quality of Life of our Members by providing Peer Support, Recovery Programming, Recreational Activities and an Environment that Promotes Dignity and Self-Worth.
Empower Members, through Positive Interactions, with a Voice and the Ability to Make Decisions; resulting in Successful Outcomes.
How Can You Help?
Becoming a volunteer is easy! We have a volunteer opportunities for all ages- including teens and senior citizens.
Individuals and families, as well as for corporate and community groups of any kind or size, are more than welcome to volunteer!
You can volunteer once a year or make an ongoing commitment. From the novice volunteer to the highly skilled – volunteering at My Place Center for Wellness can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life!
Come help us with bingo, pool tournaments, computer skill building, etc. You can also assist us with our fundraising efforts through grant writing, press releases, donor solicitation or help promote our program.
Contact us to schedule a visit and a volunteer orientation!
Support needs:
- Educational programs i.e. yoga, diabetic education, chair exercises, etc.
- Hire additional Peer Support Specialists
- Seek Board Members & Volunteers from the Community
- Secure capital to purchase our own facility
- Group tickets to local venues such as the Detroit Zoo, Meadowbrook Hall, Apple Picking outings, etc
Contact us to schedule a visit and learn about our wonderful program!

Your Gift of Time, Money or "Wish List" items (Art Supplies, Books, Gift Cards, Hygiene Products, etc.) goes directly to the services that we provide for our members!
Please know that the majority of My Place Center for Wellness' funding comes from government sources. Our remaining needs must be met from outside sources.
With your support, our extraordinary services will continue to help those on their mental health recovery journeys.
Over 350 Members participate in a variety of social, recreational and cultural programs
- all provided FREE OF CHARGE!
Donate Online
Your gift can be made as a general donation or as a tribute in honor/memory of a person or event. All contributions are tax deductible, as permitted by law. If you wish to make a donation payment by check, please print and complete this form and mail to:
My Place – Center for Wellness
12718 W 9 Mile Road
Oak Park, MI 48237
If you have any questions with the above online form, please contact the Executive Director
To make a donation over the phone, please call:
(248) 547-5487